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Nov/Dec 2022

This is the 25th year that Maine artist Virginia Souza has created an original whimsical painting for the holiday cover of Lighthouse Digest. This year, it’s the Whitefish Point Lighthouse in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula on Lake Superior, near the community of Paradise. Her painting is titled “Santa’s Milk and Cookies,” and refers to the fact that instead of getting milk and cookies, this time Santa has reversed the tables and is serving them. The 11”x17” prints of this year’s cover image are $20 each, plus shipping and can be ordered from Virginia Souza, Painted Pirate Gallery, 649 St. George Rd, S. Thomaston, ME 04858. (207) 502-9889. Email: vesouza.maineart@gmail.com. If you have a special lighthouse that you’d like painted or something else like a painting of your favorite pet or your home, or other subject, she can also do that. All she needs is a photograph or two to work from - just contact Virginia and let her create a personal masterpiece for you.

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A Lighthouse Children's Christmas

By Debra Baldwin

A Rare Visit to West Sister Island Lighthouse

By Brian G. Margavich

And In The Print Edition ...

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Book Reviews

Bristol Ferry Lighthouse Sells Above Asking Price

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From The Archives of Lighthouse Digest

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By Debra Baldwin

From The Lighthouse Service Bulletin

By Jack Graham

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Hurricane Destruction at Sanibel Island Lighthouse

Keeper's Korner

By Timothy Harrison

Lantern Removed from Scituate Lighthouse

Looking Beyond the Expanse

Lost Lighthouses

Mystery Grassy Island Lighthouse Keeper

Naturalization Ceremony at Sandy Hook

Painting the Nubble

Painting West Quoddy’s Stripes in the 1980s

Point Iroquois Lighthouse Under Wraps

Rare Photo of a Lost Lighthouse

Recalling Summer Moments at Easternmost Light

Repairs at New York’s Plum Island Light Underway

Restoration and Painting at Crisp Point

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Santa's Keeper Scrapbook

Stepping Stones Lighthouse Decays While Awaiting Restoration

The Keeper’s Wife: Josephine Remembers

Wickie's Wisdom

By Timothy Harrison

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