Digest>Archives> December 2004

Wickie’s Wisdom

By Timothy Harrison


This past year, as in previous years, I had the opportunity to attend many different lighthouse events around the country.

Also this year, as in previous years, I had the opportunity to speak to many groups, clubs and organizations. Some were lighthouse related and some were not.

When I attend these events I always pay close attention to those in attendance. Do you know what I see? I see lots of gray haired people. This seems to indicate that the majority of people interested in lighthouse preservation are seniors. Where are many of the younger people? What can we do to get them interested and involved?

At many lighthouse events I see the many of the same people, over and over again. In one respect this is good, because we know there is a solid base in the lighthouse movement. However, even though new people do join, we also lose others. This means the base is slow to grow.

However, one fantastic way to get more people interested is to give gift subscriptions to Lighthouse Digest Magazine. Even if a person is not interested in lighthouses, give them a subscription any way. After all, Lighthouse Digest is a wholesome magazine that the entire family can learn from and enjoy, plus it makes a wonderful gift that arrives throughout the year. As well as giving a gift subscription to family members, consider giving a subscription to a schoolteacher, your doctor, your minister or rabbi, a library, a neighbor or even a co-worker.

With your assistance, Lighthouse Digest Magazine can help save lighthouses, one subscription at a time.

Best wishes for the holidays and the New Year.

This story appeared in the December 2004 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.

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