Digest>Archives> Jan/Feb 2005

Wickie’s Wisdom

By Timothy Harrison


I recently read somewhere that magazine and newspaper readership is way down in the United States. It seems that the younger generation is getting more of their news over the Internet and from the 24/7 television news networks.

The article went to explain that in this fast-moving society the younger generation seems to have less and less time to devote to reading with many just skimming the headlines to get the basics. Others only read the sports section or watch sports television. In fact the article went on to say that younger people know more about sports that they do about what’s going on in the world. Many have no idea where Iraq, Iran or Somalia is located, nor do they understand the history of their regions. Just as many have no real knowledge of American history and many more have no idea why lighthouses were built or the role they played in the development of our country.

If this newspaper story is correct in its findings, I have to wonder how we are going to get enough of the newer generations to learn about lighthouse history and what one can learn about our nation’s history by studying lighthouses, which in turn leads to why it’s so important to raise money to save them.

These people are unlikely to suddenly sit down at their computer some evening and start to read the

“on-line” stories about lighthouses. I guess that’s where you, our readers can help. We can subtly get people interested in lighthouses by growing the subscription base of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. But, we can’t do that without your help.

There is absolutely no reason why you can’t give a gift subscription of Lighthouse Digest Magazine to someone who might not have an interest in lighthouses. Not only does it make a great gift that arrives eleven months out of the year, after reading it month after month, they or their children might develop an interest in lighthouse history and lighthouse preservation. They might even join a lighthouse preservation group.

Is this a sale pitch? Of course it is. But, it’s about saving lighthouses and their history. After all, that’s what this magazine is dedicated to, “Saving lighthouses, one subscription at a time.”

Timothy Harrison

Editor & Publisher

This story appeared in the Jan/Feb 2005 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.

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