By time most of you read this, the election wll be over. But, regardless of who won the election for President of the United States or who won the elections for the members of Congress, there will be no joy in the lighthouse preservation movement. That’s because, almost without exception, none of our national politicians give a hoot about lighthouse preservation or saving lighthouse history – and they never will. Unless, of course, they get invited to speak at an event; then they will take credit for everything.
2016’s political mess has created a “piling on” in social media that has pitted neighbors against neighbors and so many friends and family members against each other that it nearly took over social media postings that literally pushed lighthouse information down the pages almost to oblivion, and it is likely to continue well after the election. The result is a diminished country.
With millions of Americans more interested in texting and being on social media than actually reading and learning the full stories, which are becoming more and more difficult to find with the dwindling true news media outlets, not only are the complete stories no longer being told on just about everything, but many Americans are caring less and less about history than ever before.
In 2016 there have been many interesting lighthouse news stories, as well as lighthouse historical postings on social media. On Facebook, sometimes the “Like” icon is pressed so quickly, that it would have been impossible for the person to actually have read the posting or absorbed its content. And, to make matters worse, many people who purport to love everything to do with lighthouses refuse to “Like” or share postings of other lighthouse people with whom they have different political views or ideological differences. Or, they simply think that they are better than others. What a shame. They have forgotten that when it comes to lighthouse preservation or saving and reporting on lighthouse history, we are all in this together for the benefit of every lighthouse group and every person who likes lighthouses and the history associated with them.
As we approach 2017 and Lighthouse Digest approaches its 25th year of publishing, thanks to you, our loyal subscribers, we can all help to make a difference by living our lives with love in our heart, a smile on our face, sharing our interest in lighthouses, and, of course, by telling others about Lighthouse Digest and to help us continue to save lighthouse history for future generations.
As we enter into the season of holidays we are thankful for all our subscribers and we wish all of you a very Joyous Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year and, as the late Ken Black, “Mr. Lighthouse,” ended all his newsletters and correspondence with . . .
Be Neighborly!
Timothy Harrison
Editor & Publisher
Lighthouse Digest
P.O. Box 250
East Machias, ME 04630
This story appeared in the
Nov/Dec 2016 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.
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