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Name: Casquets Lighthouse  

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Nearest Town or City:
Alderney, , United Kingdom

Location: West of Alderney, Channel Islands, southern England.

Managing Organization:
Trinity House


This is the northwesternmost of three Casquets lighthouses. The three towers were originally called St. Peter, St. Thomas and Dungeon. The other two towers, deactivated in 1877, still stand. The southwest tower is topped by a helipad, and the east tower houses a foghorn. This lighthouse was raised by 30 feet in 1854. This note was received March 30, 2005: "Thanks for a great picture of my old home for over five years in the late seventies and early eighties. No helipad then -- we used the lower pad shown in your photo. Nearly crashed into the rocks on one occasion, but survived. We built the garden walls that can be seen further up the rock. Thank you for the memory." -- D.W.H. Sargeant, ex-Trinity House keeper.

Tower Height: 75

Height of Focal Plane: 120

Characteristic and Range: Five white flashes every 30 seconds, range 24 nautical miles.

Description of Tower: Conical granite tower with alternating red and white horizontal bands.

This light is operational

Date Established: 1724

Date Present Tower Built: 1724

Date Automated: 1990

Fog Signal: Horn, 2 blasts every 60 seconds.

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? No.

Keepers: D.W.H. Sargeant (c. late 1970s - early 1980s)

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