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Name: Point Gellibrand Lighthouse  

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Also known as: Williamstown Lighthouse and Timeball Tower

Nearest Town or City:
Williamstown, , Australia

Location: Point Gellibrand Peninsula, Port Phillip Bay.

Managing Organization:
Point Gellibrand Coastal Heritage Park


A timeball apparatus at this location operated until 1926, allowing shipmasters to correct their chronometers. The timeball was installed on a flagstaff and the ball was dropped at one o'clock every afternoon. Later the ball was installed on top of the lighthouse tower on a cylindrical tower, which has since been removed. The timeball today is operated by a computer and drops each day at 1 p.m.

Tower Height: 58

Description of Tower: Square pyramidal bluestone tower

This light is not operational

Date Established: 1839

Date Present Tower Built: 1849

Current Use: Historic monument, timeball.

Open To Public? Yes.

For information on visiting Williamstown, see

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