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Name: Bustard Rock Light  

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Also known as: Bustards Range Lights

Nearest Town or City:
French River, Ontario, Canada

Location: Bustard Islands, off the mouth of the French River, Georgian Bay, Lake Huron.

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Photo: Canadian Coast Guard

Managing Organization:
Canadian Coast Guard

This is the only active light remaining of a set of three towers that formed two ranges. The original towers built in 1875 (main light and inner range) were both 20 feet tall. Both towers were rebuilt in 1893, at the same time as the third tower (Front Outer Range) was built. One of the rebuilt towers was the tallest of the three and served as the rear light. The other two towers (Front Inner Range and Front Outer Range, both 28 feet tall) were deactivated in 1999, but they still stand.

Tower Height: 30

Height of Focal Plane: 48

Characteristic and Range: White flash every 10 seconds.

Description of Tower: White, square, pyramidal wooden tower.

This light is operational

Date Established: 1875

Date Present Tower Built: 1893

Date Automated: c. 1950

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? No.

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