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Name: Vormsi Light  

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Also known as: Worms Light

Nearest Town or City:
Saxby, , Estonia

Location: West coast of Vormsi Island, near Haapsalu.

Click to enlarge: Photo   
Photo: Estonian Maritime Administration

Managing Organization:
Estonian Maritime Administration


The 1864 tower, a cast-iron structure made in England, was replaced in 1871 by another cast-iron tower made in Lithuania (Liepaja, then called Libau), 21 feet taller than the original. The replacement was considered necessary to ensure that the range of Vormsi Light would cross that of Osmussaar, and also because the first tower was often hidden by trees and by fog as it was in a marshy area. The original Vormsi tower was sent to Vaindloo to replace the original tower there.

Tower Height: 79

Height of Focal Plane: 89

Characteristic and Range: Isophase 6 seconds (light on for 3 seconds, followed by a 3 second eclipse), visible for 12 nautical miles (white sector) and 7 nautical miles (red and green).

Description of Tower: White, conical cast-iron tower.

This light is operational

Earlier Towers?
1864: White conical tower (now at Vaindloo Island).

Date Established: 1864

Date Present Tower Built: 1871

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

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