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Name: Dundalk Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Dundalk, , Ireland

Location: Entrance to Dundalk Harbour, County Louth.

Managing Organization:
Dundalk Harbour Commissioners

This is believed to be one of only two screwpile lights still operating in the British Isles. The other is Dundalk Light in Ireland. There was once an integral keeper's cottage, but it has been removed and replaced by a short light tower.

Tower Height: 33

Height of Focal Plane: 33

Characteristic and Range: Flash every 15 seconds, white or red depending on direction. A green light with a focal plane of 26 feet, occulting every 5 seconds, is shown to the SE.

Description of Tower: White lantern on platform supported by red piles.

This light is operational

Date Established: 1855

Date Present Tower Built: 1855

Fog Signal: 3 blasts every 60 seconds.

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? No.

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