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Name: Eagle Harbor Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Eagle Harbor, Michigan, United States

Location: Eagle Harbor, Lake Superior.

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Photo: Alan Culley
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Managing Organization:
Keweenaw County Historical Society

Telephone: 906-289-4990


Contact Address Information:
HC-1, Box 265L
Eagle Harbor
Michigan, 49950, United States

Ownership of this light station has been transferred to the Keweenaw County Historical Society, and they have established a museum in the keeper's house. Some people claim that the dwelling is haunted.

Tower Height: 44

Height of Focal Plane: 60

Description of Tower: White, octagonal brick tower attached to dwelling.

This light is operational

Other Buildings?
1871 integral 1.5 story brick keeper's dwelling, two assistant keeper's dwelling, four garages, oil house, 1895 fog signal building.

Date Established: 1851

Date Present Tower Built: 1871

Date Automated: 1980

Optics: 1857: Fourth order Fresnel lens; 1968: DCB-224.

Current Use: Active aid to navigation, museum.

Open To Public? Yes.

The museum at the light station features nautical and local history exhibits. The museum is open from mid-June through the early October, seven days a week, from noon to 5 p.m.

Coming from the west on M-26, where the highway turns sharply right at the harbor, go left on a short road that goes over a hill and through a gate to lighthouse parking area.

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places

Keepers: John Griswold (1851-1859), John Alexander (1859), George Griswold (1859-1860), James Bouden (1860-1861), R. Latterly (1861-1865), Peter Bird (1865-1874), George Bird (1875-1877), Stephen Cocking (1877-1889), Henry Pierce (1889-1893), Thomas Thomson (1893-1903), William Rohrig (First Assistant 1895-1902), Jean Dimet (First Assistant 1905-1917), John Nolen (1904-1915), Frank Irwin (First Assistant 1905), Albert Peppler (First Assistant 1906-1907), Thomas Bennetts (First Assistant 1907-1908), Claud Burrows (First Assistant 1908), Riley Cox (First Assistant 1908-1910), Elmer Byrne (First Assistant 1910-1913, Keeper 1916-1918), Hans Christensen (First Assistant 1913-1925), Hans Robinson (1918-1939), William Miller (Second Assistant 1924-1928), Louis Wilks (First Assistant 1926-1929), Edward Byttyle (First Assistant 1929-1939), Earl Duffy (Second Assistant 1936-1939), Albert Stridfeit (Second Assistant 1939), James Brander (1939-1940), Thomas Brander (1940), Albert Stridfeit (c. 1970), Leon Lee (c. 1980), Jerry McKinney (USCG, c. 1982)

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