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Name: St. Croix River Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Calais, Maine, United States

Location: Dochet Island, St. Croix River.

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The original lighthouse on Dochet Island was rebuilt in 1901. The 1901 lighthouse was accidentally burned down in 1976.

Height of Focal Plane: 77

Characteristic and Range: Fixed white light interrupted by three seconds darkness every 30 seconds (1931), visible for 10 nautical miles.

Description of Tower: Wooden lantern on roof of keeper's quarters.

This light is not operational

Date Established: 1857

Date Automated: 1957

Optics: 1857: Fifth order Fresnel lens.

Fog Signal: Bell, one stroke every 15 seconds (1931)

Current Use: Destroyed.

Keepers: Elias Barber (Dec 15, 1856-Aug 1, 1859), Light discontnued 1859-Oct 1869), Jacob F. Young(Nov 10, 1869-Dec 10, 1875), Harrison Keen(Jan 11, 1875-April28,1880), Joseph Huckens(May 1880-Feb 20, 1903), Walden B. Hodkins(April 10, 1903-Oct 1, 1905Frank N. Jellison (Oct 1, 1905-May 1, 1912), Frank B. Ingalls (May 1, 1912-Oct 31, 1923), Charles A. Kenney (Oct 31, 1923--1930), Elson Small (1930-1943), Louis Zawislak (1943), Walter A. Stafford (1940s), George Sullivan Morrison (1945-1949) Everett W. Quinn (1949-1954), Wilbur Barwell (1954).

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