Digest>Archives> Mar/Apr 2024

Navy Sailor Chooses Lighthouse for Reenlistment Ceremony

By Bob Tellier


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New London Ledge, New London, Connecticut.
Photo by: Susan Tessier Mackenzie

The New London Maritime Society located in the Customs House in New London, CT, has ownership of three area lighthouses: Race Rock, New London Harbor, and New London Ledge lights. Recently the society was tasked to arrange a special trip to the New London Ledge Lighthouse by the U.S. Navy. The boat trip out to the Lighthouse took place on July 17, 2023. The boat left the pier at 10:00 am with seven navy personnel including FT3 Kolten S. Flook; FT2 Leonardo E. Pera; FTC Ricky Marsh; FTC Allen Pope; ITS1 Brandon M. McGinn; Navigator LCDR Taylor M. Boosman and Commanding Officer of the USS Iowa CDR Mathew B Powell.

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Crew from the USS Iowa.

The trip was special for FT3 Jonathan M Featherston who brought his family: wife Tiffany and their two young daughters, Elizabeth Ann and Lana Charlotte for his Reenlistment Ceremony. During the trip out there, Elizabeth had the privilege of driving the boat provided by Thames River Water Taxi. After arriving at the lighthouse and disembarking all of the guests looked around the lighthouse inside and then headed up to the lantern.

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When the ceremony was over, all gathered on the ...

Only three people could fit inside the lantern room where the reenlistment ceremony was about to begin. After enjoying the view from the gallery around the outside, FT3 Jonathan Featherston came inside, CDR Powell presided over the ceremony and ITS1 McGinn held the bible while FT3 Featherston took the oath. All the rest of his Shipmates watched form the gallery outside. After the swearing in, Featherston’s family was given certificates thanking them for the sacrifice of being a Navy family.

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Jonathan Featherston with his wife Tiffany and ...

When asked why he chose the lighthouse to do his reenlistment ceremony his response shows what the importance of lighthouses still are. “I choose the Ledge Lighthouse because as U.S. Navy Submariner, especially one stationed in Groton, CT, we see the lighthouse every time we go out to sea and pull back into port. Along with the bridge, it is one of our favorite things to see in the scopes because it means we’re coming back home . . . or heading out to sea, then not so much (LOL). I knew I only get ONE first reenlistment so I wanted to make sure I’d never forget it, and that’s when it hit me “That lighthouse we always pass by on the sea!”

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Commander Mathew B Powell leading the ceremony ...

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ITS1 Brandon M. McGinn holding the Bible for ...

This story appeared in the Mar/Apr 2024 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.

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