Guidelines for submissions to Lighthouse Digest
Guidelines for submissions to Lighthouse Digest
Lighthouse Digest is a publication out of Maine with subscribers in all 50 states and 17 countries. The magazine is dedicated to the preservation of Lighthouse, Lightship, and Life-saving history and to the men and women of the United States Lighthouse Service, the United States Coast Guard, and the United States Life-Saving Service. Only the Coast Guard exists today.
Through the pages of Lighthouse Digest, our readers learn about current happenings at lighthouses and what is being done to preserve them. We also write about historical events that happened at lighthouses, publish a list of endangered lighthouses, write about people that lived at or grew up at lighthouses, etc.
We are looking for short stories, either fact or fiction that revolve around a lighthouse. The story must state if it is a work of fiction or based on fact. Stories should be 750 to 1500 words, although longer stories will be considered. Pictures and/or sketches with the story always help to tell the story. Stories made be edited for space, fact checking, and suitability. All stories must be saved as a .txt file or a MS Word document (.doc or .docx). Do not indent paragraphs, simply return (or enter) at the end of paragraphs and let each paragraph text wrap. Photographs must be glossy and color if possible. Vintage photos are encouraged. All graphics must be 300 dpi at least 3 inches wide and saved as .jpg or .tif. Do not embed photographs in the story text, photographs must be saved as .jpg or .tif and sent as separate attachments. Computer printouts and photocopies do not reproduce in print well and are discouraged. If you do not have access to a computer, the story must be typed. You may send text documents and photographs by mail or by email.
Modern day photos without an accompanying story are not normally accepted. Photos for our covers are taken from our files. Photos can be submitted at any time for possible publication and become our property to be used at our discretion. Captions and full photo credits must be included.
If your story is chosen, you will see your name in print in an upcoming issue. If you are not already a subscriber, we would encourage you to subscribe ( so you can see your story in print. Stories and photos will be retained to be used at the discretion of the editor. Stories and photos will not be returned unless you have included a self-addressed postage paid return envelope.
Please send stories to: Story Editor, Lighthouse Digest, PO Box 250, East Machias, Maine 04630 or email to